Kundalini Activation Facilitator September


Make a 30% deposit to secure your place (details on the total amount under “Costs”).

In times like these, it seems more important than ever, to find our way back into connectedness.


Connectedness to each other.

Connectedness to our inner realms.

Connectedness to this planet and the great everything.

But above all, connectedness to our heart. 


This is why this training is an invitation to answer the call of our beloved Mother Earth. 

It’s an invitation to be courageous and to go deep. 

To shed skins and meet yourself in your essence. 

To embrace your shadows and rise above the ego - more and more. 

To enter new levels of consciousness.

And to finally immerse yourself completely into your heart, to remember the innate heart magic and what a truly miraculous portal it can be, to make this world a better place.

So if you see it as part of your path in this lifetime to support yourself and/or others on this journey of remembering, stepping into your power and thereby changing the wheel of time, this training is definitely for you. 

What can Kundalini Activation do for you and others?

Working with Kundalini Activation gifts a beautiful vortex to remember connectedness on all levels. 

It helps us understanding that separation is an illusion. 

That we are all divine beings who have access to a wonderful life full of abundance, togetherness and peace. 

It supports us on this journey of letting go and inviting the new, of releasing patterns and traumas, social conditioning and old wounds.

Kundalini Activation is a portal for reconnecting to our own life force energy, our creativity, our sensuality, our love for life and furthermore it gifts us these very profound states of expanded consciousness and non-duality, which let us remember our divine self and all these beautiful gifts that we carry. It connects us with the infinite and makes us see again. 

It supports us in aligning ourselves with our soul purpose and connecting with our true self. 

To finally be able to give, love, understand and exist from our heart.

What is the training all about?

This training consists mainly of practice and the five days, as well as the subsequent 4 months of support, involve very intense and in-depth transformational work. 

Everything you will learn enables you to work independently as a Kundalini Activation Facilitator and/or can serve as a support for any other area of work and life.

5 days of going deep within.

5 days of meeting yourself like never before.

5 days of shifting consciousness.

5 days of merging with your higher self.

5 days of transformation on all levels.

5 days of finally meeting your true essence.

5 days of creating heart magic.

Hard facts

  • 04.09.2024 - 8.09.2024
  • Small family group (8 people max.)
  • Language: German & English (both are welcome)

  • 5-day training including:
  • What’s app group support for exchange and mutual growth from the time of booking until one year after the training ends
  • Classic activations, partner activations, group activations
  • Activations in and with nature 
  • Cacao Ceremony
  • Blue Lotus Ceremony
  • Merkaba Activation
  • Traveling into the Akashic Records 
  • Connecting with the Angelic Realms
  • Grounding practices
  • Nervous System Regulation
  • Soundhealing 
  • Light language healing
  • Closing Activation Ceremony (already with clients)


  • 4 months of support (5 calls á 2h) in form of a monthly call for supervision and online activations 
  • Minus 30% for all participants on 1:1 Mentoring Sessions
  • Minus 20% for all participants on offline sessions at Herbarium Officinale


!Please already attend Kundalini Activations before the training starts!

If you have any questions, text me here: eva.glanzer@gmx.at

    This training is not about going into theoretical concepts.

    It’s about going deep within. 

    About feeling and experiencing what it means to merge with this energy and to let it flow and work through you. 

    1. Kundalini Activation

    You will learn about Kundalini Energy and the Kundalini Awakening Process

    You will get a glimpse on how Kundalini Activation can have an impact on the global awakening process

    You will experience energetical and spiritual purification

    You will experience deep shifts of consciousness

    You will shed layers of old conditioning and transform limiting beliefs

    You will embrace deep transformation and inner healing on all levels

    You will find a closer relationship with the great everything and Mama Earth

    You will meet yourself truly

    You will learn how to embody the Kundalini Frequency

    2. How to be a Clear Channel

    You will learn about

    how to get in touch with your energetic body

    how to get in touch with your emotional body

    knowledge, tools and sacred practices to protect your energy

    How to open and connect safely

    How to ground yourself

    how to expand the consciousness consciously 

    archangels, gods & goddesses 

    psychic abilities 

    3. The Human Energy Body

    You will learn about

    Energy fields, Frequency and vibration

    The 12 Chakra System

    Nadis, Granthis, Kundalini Energy

    Subtle bodies

    Emotions and how they impact the energetic body

    4. How to hold a Safe Space

    You will learn how to

    Prep sessions

    Create playlists

    Prep the space

    Protect yourself and the space

    Create a safe environment

    Open a ceremony

    Stay grounded and centered

    Guide clients through a safe journey

    Close a ceremony

    Provide integration & aftercare

    5. Glimpses into other Somatic Healing Techniques


    Trance & Meditation

    Sound Healing

    6. Practice

    Activations every day indoor and in nature

    Self Activation

    Partner Activation

    Group Activation

    Graduation Activation Ceremony with clients

    Monthly follow ups with 2h for three months including activations, supervision and online practice 

    Eva is an Empath, Earth Keeper and Cosmic Child

    committed to helping people evolve and this planet a better home.

    She shares her tools and knowledge out of a place of deep connection to Mama Earth and an abundant love for every soul and every being in this Universe.

    Through her work as an Energy Healer, Holistic Guide and Advocate of Expansion of Consciousness her aim is to assist people in remembering the connection to their emotions, their heart and to the ever-present magic that lies within and without.

    The way Eva holds spaces is deeply caring and gives you the feeling of being safe, understood and at home.


    Eva is a certified psychological Counselor, Reiki Master and Kundalini Activation Facilitator who works with cacao through a shamanic approach.


    Energy Studio im Herbarium Officinale:

    Hoher Markt 5, 1010 Wien (3. Stock)


    Die Anmeldung zum Kurs ist verbindlich. Die Anzahlung (30 % der gesamten Kursgebühr) des Kurses ist bei Buchung zu zahlen und wird nicht rückerstattet. Bei Stornierung innerhalb von 14 Tagen vor Kursbeginn werden weitere 30 % der gesamten Kursgebühr in Rechnung gestellt. 

    Registration for the course is binding. The course deposit (30% of the total course fee) is payable upon booking and is non-refundable. If you cancel within 14 days before the start of the course, an additional 30% of the total course fee will be charged.

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