Our vision & philosophy

The healing power of plants and the health-promoting effects of natural food supplements are at the center of our work. We are pursuing the goal of restoring medicinal plants to the status they deserve in society. They help us to increase our well-being and our zest for life. We believe that a balanced lifestyle is the basis of a healthy and happy life. To achieve this balance we pursue oneholistic,responsible andnatural Approach.

We want to give people back the belief in their own abilities and the activation of their self-healing powers with the help of nature. Medicinal plants can teach us a lot, together we will find a suitable way for you to use these powers.

Our products

Our open tea drugs and plant extracts are of the highest quality. The majority of our raw materials meet the quality standards of the Austrian or European Pharmacopoeia and come from controlled organic cultivation. To meet our high standards and ensure consistent quality, our entire range is handcrafted.

All our products are handmade with ❤️ in Vienna.

The effectiveness of our products is based on the scientific knowledge of co-effectors - the knowledge that the entire plant has a more effective effect than the pure substance in its isolated state. The products from HERBARIUM OFFICINALE always consist of the entire tea drug with all its active plant components, never from an isolated part of the plant or from only isolated active ingredients.

  • Pharmacopeia quality
  • Own production
  • Handmade in Vienna
  • No additives
  • glass instead of plastic

Due to this self-imposed purity law, we consciously do without fillers, binding agents and trickling substances.We are convinced that the conscious avoidance of additives promotes the usability of plant substances.

For our environment

“Out of respect for those who have chosen a non-animal diet, 100% of our products are suitable for vegetarians and the majority of our products are suitable for vegans.”

Free from plastic, we fill our products in high-quality amber glass for the sake of the substance. We launched our "Glass instead of plastic" return campaign because we want to save resources for the benefit of our environment. Bring us back your empty glass bottles and receiveWith the 10th stamp, a herbarium tea blend of your choice as a small thank you. So that the glass is always half full for everyone.


Our team

Our pharmaceutically trained staff has training in herbal pedagogy, holistic health coaching, biology, folk medicinal herbal expertise, medicinal herb coaching, as well as yoga and meditation.

Mag. Richard Lanczmann

Als Mitbegründer von Herbarium Officinale stand für Richard von Anfang an die Eigenverantwortung jedes Menschen für das eigene Wohlbefinden und die eigene Gesundheit im Vordergrund. Gleichgewicht und Ausgewogenheit in allen Lebensbereichen zu suchen, zu finden und zu halten ist für ihn die zugegebenerweise herausfordernde aber wichtigste Aufgabe. Regelmäßiger Sport, Meditation, gesunde Ernährung und das Vertrauen in die heilende Kraft der Pflanzen zeichnen Richards persönlichen Weg zu Wohlbefinden und Gesundheit.

Mag. Sophie Huber

Alles schwingt in einer bestimmten Frequenz, die Pflanzen, die Pilze, die Steine, wir Menschen. Wir haben vergessen, dass wir Teil der Natur sind und wir diese Symbiose nutzen können, um uns so zu fühlen wie wir es in bestimmten Momenten gerade brauchen. Ich habe das Herbarium mitbegründet um uns wieder daran zu erinnern.