Heart-Brain-Coherence Stress Coaching


Heart-Brain-Coherence Stress Coaching

50 minutes

Mag. Richard Lanczmann

Heart-Brain-Coherence Stress Coaching is aimed at people whose daily stress chronically impairs their quality of life. Possible symptoms can be: Restlessness, sleep disorders, lack of drive, performance disorders, anxiety, moodiness, irritability, low libido, burn-out, breathing difficulties, digestive disorders, skin rashes, high blood pressure, susceptibility to infections as well as autoimmune and other chronic diseases. Whether the underlying stress has professional, private, family or a combination of reasons is irrelevant.


Stress is subjective. No two people would feel the same stress in the same way, and that brings us to the starting point for Heart-Brain-Coherence Stress Coaching:  feeling and emotion. We rely less on changing yours outer living conditions. Often these cannot be influenced by you at all; and in many cases we also love and appreciate our stressors, such as family and the job we enjoy doing. Often "we don't want anything more" than a little rest, a clear head and the maintenance of our health.

What if I tell you that with a time investment of 10 to 15 minutes a day you will experience your day more calmly and relaxed, you will feel better, become more efficient and healthier, and even more understanding and loving towards your surroundings. 


As part of the Heart-Brain-Coherence Stress Coaching, you will learn how to activate your parasympathetic nervous system and thus reduce the release of stress hormones. We draw on a method developed by the HeartMath® Institute in California over the past 30 years to bring breath and emotion, heart and brain into coherence. 

The results are not only subjectively noticeable but also objectively measurable. We use a technology similar to an EKG, which records your heart rate variability to the nearest millisecond via a clip on your earlobe and thus records an image of your parasympathetic nerve activity. I will be happy to give you more information in the course of a free initial consultation in person or by telephone. The first session should be in person, follow-up sessions can also be held via Zoom.

More on the evolutionary importance of stress in my blog "How to de-stress" at https://herbarium-officinale.com/blogs.

What is heart rate variability (HRV)?

Heart rate variability is a reflection of the functionality of the autonomic nervous system. The heartbeat not only shows how well the heart pumps blood through the body. According to current research results, the measurement of heart rate variability also provides very meaningful insights into how the body deals with physical and mental stress. With the help of the HeartMathâ techniques, the parasympathetic nervous system can be "trained" and active and measurable relaxation can be achieved. This state is called heart-brain coherence.

 The HRV is measured with an ECG and represents the different intervals between individual heartbeats. High differences in the regularity of the heartbeat - i.e. a high heart rate variability - indicate powerful autonomic nervous system which can quickly adapt to physical and psychological stress and then quickly regulates itself back into a state of rest. A very regular heartbeat - i.e. a low heart rate variability - indicates a nervous system that does not respond well to stress. In general, HRV is highest in young people and decreases with age. However, it can be maintained and noticeably improved through a healthy lifestyle and HRV training.

The one described above quantitative measurement of HRV has been used for a long time, e.g. by athletes for training control and optimization. Building on this, the HeartMathâ Institute has been researching the qualitative heart rate variability and its association with stress and stress-related diseases. 

Rollin McCrathy, Ph.D., Scientific Director of the HeartMathâ Institute, explains why cardiac coherence is essential for stress management and sustained improvement in well-being in a YouTube video: YouTube: Rolin McCrathy, The Science Foundation of Heartmath https://youtu.be/Tt26pI76ot0 .

The ability to self-regulate towards a coherent heartbeat can be learned in a few coaching sessions over a period of weeks. The techniques are already being used worldwide by fighter pilots, police units, managers and people who want to increase their stress resistance, health and quality of life.

The first step in reducing stress is recognizing and acknowledging the crisis.


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