Blue Lotus Ceremony & Kundalini Activation


Make a 30% deposit to secure your place (details on the total amount under “Costs”).

I come from the stars

And etheric as I am

I remind you of your own divinity. 

I remind you of the old days

When we were all still connected. 


Blue Lotus was gifted to us from a place far away from earth. 

And she is here to teach us. 

Soft, delicate and strong.

She encourages us to be playful and bold, to sing and to dance. 


This plant spirit not only opens and balances our sacral center and third eye, but also the crown, soul star and stellar gateway chakra. She supports a direct link to the up above. 

Through her embrace you can connect with frequencies that are the portal to other realms and the stars. 

To fully delve into this beautiful process of elevating your frequency, expanding consciousness and remembering the magic within and without you will additionally receive a Kundalini ActivationLight Language Healing Transmissions and a Sound Healing

Kundalini Energy is a divine feminine and ancient power that has been worked with throughout history all around the world.

Working with her is a portal for reconnecting with your life force energy, your creativity, your sensuality and your love for life. 

Besides that she is a vessel for releasing old patterns and trauma, social conditioning and old wounds - on all levels. 

She can also gift us states of expanded consciousness and non-duality. 

This means that through working with her it is among other things possible to remember where we come from, where we are going and why we are here. 

To sum it up working with Kundalini Energy is the gate to working with and integrating our true and unmanifested potential. 



Connecting with Blue Lotus
Kundalini Activation
Sound Healing
Sharing Circle

Price: €69

Duration: 2,5-3h


Eva is an Empath, Earth Keeper and Cosmic Child committed to helping people evolve and making this planet a better home. 

She shares her tools and knowledge out of a place of deep connection to Mama Earth and the stars and carries a deep, abundant love for every soul and every being in this universe.

Through her work as an Energy Healer, Holistic Guide and Advocate of Expansion of Consciousness her aim is to assist people in reconnecting to their emotions, their heart and to the ever-present magic that lies within and without. 

The way Eva holds spaces is deeply caring and gives you the feeling of being safe, understood and at home.

Let’s connect through E-Mail: or IG: forever.artemis


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