Transformative Atemarbeit


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During intense breathwork you become aware that all the resources you need for your healing process are right in your hands.

I will guide you to keep the sacred space of your own letting go and coming home. After we have opened the safe space, clarified and resonated your intention, I will show you specific breathing techniques that you will use consistently for an hour. You will lie comfortably on the floor surrounded by pillows and while you breathe I will drum and sing for you.

During intense breathwork, your body activates its own intelligence to release any deep emotions stored in your system. Your body knows what to do to heal. Intense oxygenation is a trigger for the wisdom naturally innate in your system. After a few clearing sessions, your journey will likely lead towards centering, and thus opening up to your soul and the divine.

Breathwork has the tremendous ability to cleanse our system, balance us and open us to the bounty of our body and soul.

I am available for free 20 minute initial consultations every Friday.
here Reserve.

During intensive breath work sessions you become aware that all of the resources that you may need for your healing process are right at your fingertips.

I will guide you to hold the sacred space of your own releasing and homecoming process. After we have opened our container, clarified and resonated your intention, I will show you specific breathing techniques that you will follow consistently for one hour. You will lay down comfortably on the floor surrounded by pillows, and I will drum and sing for you as you breathe.

During intensive breath work, your body will activate its own intelligence to release any potential deep emotions which have been stored inside your system. Your body knows what to do to heal. An intense supply of oxygen is a trigger of your system's innate wisdom. After some clearing sessions, your journey will likely lead you towards centring and opening up to your soul and to the divine.

Breath work has an enormous ability to clean our systems, get ourselves in balance and open ourselves up to both our body and our soul's gifts.

I am available every Friday for a free 20-minute discovery call.
Book here.

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