Shamanic ritual


In shamanic rituals, I take you beyond your body and mind into the realm of your soul and spirit.


We enter a shallow trance state through the repetitive sound of my drum and rattle. In this state, the gate to the subconscious opens more easily. In this way we can communicate with the depths of your being. Shamanic rituals involve active imagination, movement, breathing techniques, and sometimes touch. In the ritual we can deeply let go and process topics that we may have held on to for a long time. We can transform and strengthen our sense of self and our relationship to the world around us, and reconnect with the deep mysteries of life.


I offer private sessions if you want to learn how to access these depths of self and work from there independently.

If you want to work with specific transformational issues, I recommend 3-5 sessions over a period of two months.


I am available for free 20 minute initial consultations every Friday. 
Hier Reserve.


Languages: German, English, Français, Nederlands.

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