Kundalini Activation & Rapé Ceremony


30% Anzahlung leisten und Platz sichern (Information zum Gesamtbetrag unter „Kosten”)

✺ Hello lovely friend ✺

Are you ready to open the portal to a year full of endless possibilities?

To take another step towards merging with your souls utmost desires?

And mostly: to become clearer of how you want to be of service for our beautiful planet?

Then this ceremony with Eva and Sophie is definitely for you!

Providing Kundalini Activation and Rapé, the two will support you with balancing your feminine and masculine energy, opening your 3rd eye and recalibrating your whole energy body.

Kundalini Energy is a divine feminine and ancient power that has been worked with throughout history all around the world. Working with her is a portal for reconnecting with your life force energy, your creativity, your sensuality, your intuition and your love for life. This energy working within your system can be described as more passive and receiving.

Rapé on the other hand is a Native American plant medicine, blending sacred plants and tobacco, and has a masculine energy. It helps you balancing your mind, clearing your 3rd eye and provides the strength you need to get into action. This medicine can be described as more active and giving.

Working with these two different tools, one feminine and one masculine, can support you in finding more balance between your feminine and masculine powers. It is also the gateway to your soul and to a better understanding of this one-of-a-kind reason why you are here on earth.It provides vitality and feelings of being in balance, peace and harmony.

Throughout this evening Eva and Sophie are holding space while guiding you into a new way of taking care of your soul and finding your unique path.

What to expect?

For this evening it’s recommended to leave all expectations behind and just delve into whatever unfolds in the process.

For Kundalini Activation you will be lying on your yoga mat for 1 hour, wearing an eye mask or a scarf and listening to music to support you in letting go of your mind. The more you can let go of your mind, the more you will reach a trance like state while the energy works through your body.

The Rapé Ceremony will take place after the activation in a sitting position. During the process it may be that you experience different emotions or spontaneous releases like crying, laughing, expressing anger. Bodily sensations like hot or cold showers. Having visions, seeing colors, falling into a deep trance state, … . Before the journey starts we will have a talk together about what to expect.

Always remember: every journey is different and unique and good as it is!


  • Welcome and introductory talk
  • KA Journey
  • Rapé Ceremony
  • Closing and integration talk

If there are any questions left, feel always free to reach out!

⭒ We're looking forward to take you with us on this journey ⭒

    Ticket: 100 €

    Eva is an Empath, Earth Keeper and Cosmic Child committed to helping people evolve.

    She shares her tools and knowledge out of a place of deep connection to Mama Earth and an abundant love for every soul and every being in this universe.

    Through her work as an Energy Healer, Holistic Guide and Advocate of Expansion of Consciousness her aim is to assist people in reconnecting to their emotions, their heart and to the ever-present magic that lies within and without.

    Sophie came here to support people in looking beyond their conditioning, to find their true nature to simple live a happy and joyful life.

    She deeply knows that freedom lies underneath all that fears, doubts and shame and holds the vision for humankind to break the cycles of those emotions passed down over generations. 

    She's also the co-founder of Herbarium Officinale. 

    Time: 22nd August // 18:30-22:00 Uhr

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