Heart Yoga weekly


30% Anzahlung leisten und Platz sichern (Information zum Gesamtbetrag unter „Kosten”)

This class is happening every Monday (6:00 pm) and Friday (10:00 am).

YOGA might be confused as an only physical and mental exercise.

Many people come just in order to "relax" or "shape" the body and the mind.
But then they might miss the hidden treasures that reveal when you dare to take the leap – the leap into your heart.

In the class we will use different methods from the worlds of Yoga (hatha) & meditation combine with tools of connecting with one another.

In the practice you will experience a new relation with your own body on the mat and then the inevitable movement out of it and into life. Life happens with the people around us. Not on the mat or the cushion. And when we master that – all life forces come by our side and align to our desires. Its magic.

You need absolutely nothing for it – no experience, no flexibility, just to be open – to surprise yourself and transform, metamorphose.

"Have the courage to be yourself, give what you need. If you need love, be loving. If you need friends, be friendly. Your loving heart will show you the way."

    10 x pass: 170 €

    drop in: 25 €

    (the first class is 11 €)

    Yogi Levy

    A disciple of life, researcher of love, working with people to discover the underlying life stream of their personal power.

    In the last 7 years, leading groups of conscious tours in Israel and geopolitical tours of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict with the focus of peace that starts within.

    Healing from his own trauma through opening for love in all of its forms. Facilitating workshops on emotional release, self-empowerment, human connections, yoga and more…

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