Feel It All


30% Anzahlung leisten und Platz sichern (Information zum Gesamtbetrag unter „Kosten”)

In this exploration we will work with simple yet powerful tools to free up stored emotions,
release blockages and allow ourselves to express all of the sensations that we tend to easily
override in our busy everyday lives.

Let the fire of rage move you, let the tender waves of sadness caress you,
let the sweet joy of being alive let you rise.

We will welcome it all, we will become present with ourselves and simply feel, feel, feel.
Shaking, simple exercises that don’t require any experiences and a rewiring of
your whole nervous system are part of this somatic exploration.

I am looking forward to share this experience with you.

Price: 45€


Preis: 45 € - 30% Anzahlung bitte über das System leisten (15€). Den Restbetrag bitte in Bar mitbringen!

Maria Strauss

Maria Strauss was born in Austria and has an artistic background and a BA in acting, being involved in several theater and movie projects in Austria and Germany. Besides her love for theater, very soon she also developed a deep interest for yoga, energy work and meditation. She realized that she is a multidimensional being with many gifts and talents and embraces all of these different aspects and lets them co- influence each other. Now Maria lives her purpose by teaching different styles of yoga, offering Transformative Bodywork Sessions and facilitating Kundalini Activation Transmissions. She has established her unique relationship with Kundalini energy for several years and emphasizes in creating a safe frame for people to work with this energy. She re-connects people with their essence, Kundalini energy, all over the world and and guides women into living a life aligned with their feminine energy. Her teaching style is compassionate, filled with curiosity and lightness. 

16. Mai // 18:30-20:30

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