Ceremony of Embodiment


30% Anzahlung leisten und Platz sichern (Information zum Gesamtbetrag unter „Kosten”)

Embodying what moves us acts as a prayer to the divine. It connects us with our essence, with who we truly are.

In every moment there is a new sensations that we can gift ourselves with.

In this ritual Melanie and Maria will guide you through an embodiment journey filled with shaking, free movement,
hands on bodywork, kundalini activation and lots of time to feel and integrate.

We will flow intuitively as this evening is a dedication to our feminine essence.

Our embodied nature is not only bringing us closer to ourselves, it also supports the collective healing of the planet:

It acts as a powerful counterforce to patriarchal, capitalist structures. 

This doesn’t have to be a loud resistance (even though it can!) - gentleness, softness and deep inner connectedness can also be acts of resistance and an invocation of a new era.

We would love to support you on this journey.
Bodywork - Kundalini Activation - Embodiment Practices - Integration

Date: 24/04 18:30-21:30 Price: 99

Feel free to reach out if you are in a financially tight situation and we will try to find a solution.

Preis: 99 € - 30% Anzahlung bitte über das System leisten (35€). Den Restbetrag bitte in Bar mitbringen!

Melanie Weitbrecht

Melanie is working as an Osteopath with a focus on female health.
In her work she uses integrative breathing therapy and nervous system regulation tools to support you in (re-)inhabiting your body and experience the preciousness and abundance of this life through it. Empowerment for her means sharing tools to guide you into your body and becoming sensitive to the sensations of your body and of this very life touching you. She approaches bodies as sacred temples and all emotions as equally worthy. Anger, Grief and despair are welcome in her spaces. In her events she wants to create ceremonies that remind us of the beauty of our body, of the sacredness of our body and of the safety that we can find in our body and on this earth. She believes that from this inner feeling we can create communites that stand for justice. For this planet and for the freedom of all people.

Maria Strauss

Maria Strauss was born in Austria and has an artistic background and a BA in acting, being involved in several theater and movie projects in Austria and Germany. Besides her love for theater, very soon she also developed a deep interest for yoga, energy work and meditation. She realized that she is a multidimensional being with many gifts and talents and embraces all of these different aspects and lets them co- influence each other. Now Maria lives her purpose by teaching different styles of yoga, offering Transformative Bodywork Sessions and facilitating Kundalini Activation Transmissions. She has established her unique relationship with Kundalini energy for several years and emphasizes in creating a safe frame for people to work with this energy. She re-connects people with their essence, Kundalini energy, all over the world and and guides women into living a life aligned with their feminine energy. Her teaching style is compassionate, filled with curiosity and lightness. 

24. Mai // 18:30-21:30

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